Monday, June 29, 2009

3 Tier Parent Day Party 27th June 09

Date : 27th June 09

Time : 7pm to 10pm
Venue : Blk 663 Communal Hall

Lead by project chairman Mr Wong Kwai Meng.
Jess Showbiz was engaged as MC and sound system.
It was a multiracial event for both adults and children.

Sand Art competition
Celebrity performance
Games for adult and children
Ms Yew Tee Zone 12RC
Lucky draw

Decoration never goes without our beautiful Jennifer Neo.

It is a stage ALIVE after the decoration.
Well done, Jennifer.

Door gift counter for dinner pack with mineral water serving.

Event start with Sand Art competition for children.

MC from Jess Showbiz kick off the night. Never too old.

Indian Celebrity performance

Rawi followed up with his performance.

Rawi bring along young performers

Balloons blowing competition

Now, residents participarting in games performance.

Next, children performance.

Sand Art competition winners

Miss Yew Tee Zone 12RC participants and their beautiful catwalk.

Presenting the winner and runner up of "Miss Yew Tee Zone 12 RC"

Last for not least, the lucky draw winners given out by chairperson, Anna Goh.

The hardworking RC members.
Behind row (from left) : Tang KS, Donald, Li HK, Jason Boo, Jackson Kwan
Front row (from left) : Wong KM, Doris, Selva, Anna Goh, Jennifer New, Rahman

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