Monday, July 6, 2009

Residents Day cum Emergency Preparedness Day 5th July 09

Date : 5th July 09
Time : 8am to 12pm
Venue : Yew Tee CC hardcourt

Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, MP for Hong Kah GRC graced the events.

a. Walk-a-jog
b. Statics display
c. Games stalls
d. Orchestra performance
e. F1 Go-karts
f. Kiddie ride
g. Spanish bull
h. Lucky draw

Yew Tee Zone 12 RC were proud to be involved in operating two games stalls.

Mr Yeo light up the events

Aerobics workout for all

Walk-a-jog flag off

Fantastics crowd

Games stall and statics display thereafter.

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